Tuesday 27 September 2011


'Give' by Leann Rimes

Everybody's reachin' for something
Every day a pullin' and tuggin'
And always wantin' a little more
Holdin' on to hurt like an anchor
Treatin' those we love like strangers
Takin' names who keepin' score
We all know, what we're really after
Somewhere along the road, we got it backwards

If you want to give love then give it
If you want to feel some forgiveness
Then you've gotta let go and do some forgiving of your own
If you want a friend then be one
A little bit of kindness show some
You'll be surprised of how much finds its way back home
It don't matter what it is
If you want it, give.

I been down right stubborn,
At one time or another,
And found it easier to bend.
I've had a shoulder to lean on
Been the one who got to be strong
And peace was waiting at both ends
I've felt the power, I've seen what it can do
It's seemed so simple, so simple that it's true

If you want to give love then give it
If you want to feel some forgiveness
Then you've gotta let go and do some forgiving of your own
If you want a friend then be one
A little bit of kindness show some
You'll be surprised of how much finds its way back home
It don't matter what it is
If you want it, give.

If you want a friend then be one
A little bit of kindness show some
You'll be surprised of how much finds its way back home
It don't matter what it is
If you want it, give.


So I went to some galleries last month and although they were as good as ever and the experience is one that always calms me and makes me feel creative again, all i could think about when i got home was a woman i met. I do not know her name and i don’t think that really matters, she was and still is a stranger but that is why i can’t forget her. After going to the Camden arts centre i tried to walk to another small gallery a couple of tube stops away, and thanks to my ever successful navigation that is renowned for finding the scenic route to any destination whether planned or not! When I eventually ended up in the completely wrong direction, I gave in and got the tube then wandered around staring at my phone for directions. I arrived at west Hampstead early; the gallery wasn’t open so I sat on the wall of the local community centre which was conveniently opposite. As I sat there I looked at the area, it looked pretty deprived and the gallery something that may otherwise be mistaken for an old factory that had seen better days. As I waited, reading my books and looking around maybe looking a little lost, the community centre began to come to life, a portly man with glasses kindly telling some young students they needed to be on time in order to come along to the talks and tutorials he was holding. As I sat and read, I was approached by a lady of about 50, small round glasses and dark grey hair that was short but suited her well, she said hello and asked if I lived in the area, thinking she was maybe going to ask me to move along I said I wasn’t but I was waiting for the exhibition to open, she went on to chat to me about the gallery owners being nice and how she too often went to see what was on. She told me about a bring and buy sale they were holding and that I was welcome to come and have a look if I so wished, I said I would probably have a look later, but was still uncertain that I would. We continued to chat about her family and Kent where I had come from, it was then that she told me she had a relative that worked at the hospital right at the end of my road, making me feel like the world was becoming an ever smaller place as we spoke and made connections, she then left me to read and ponder. I kept looking at the time after she had left, seeing people going in and out the gallery with various files and keys, wondering if anytime was the right time to knock. Half an hour after the gallery was due to open the lady returned, this time with a tangerine which she gave to me in case I was hungry, I thanked her and began to eat it and as I did a small lady with red hair walked up and opened the gallery, she was screwing back a panel that had been removed to allow the door to close more easily. As she was doing this the hospitable lady from the community centre went over to her and they both seemed to look at me smiling. I finished my orange and went over feeling a little unsure as to what had been said, but as I approached I was thanked for waiting so patiently. I looked around the gallery and spoke to the invigilator who also turned out to be one of the artists so we spoke about her work and how it was to find the place as she had said the exhibition was very quiet but they remained undeterred in producing another show after this one. I left the gallery and decided to pop into the community centre to thank the lady and look at the sale; I bought from her a small blue beaded bracelet and wore it around all day. It seemed to give me a good sense of community even though I was just a visitor and not really a part of it at all; it is just now a small token to remind me of the day and this person that chose to talk to a stranger sat on a wall whom she did not know but felt compelled to chat to and make feel welcome even though she wasn’t likely to see me again. I think it is definitely something we need more of at times and a small reminder of how much we really can impact people even if we don’t think we are able to. I think this song relates well to this and reiterates that we all know what we want in life or even just our day, so why not show compassion to those that are too only human and may need some help along the way.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

"Blue and Green"

"When I Look At You" miley cyrus

Everybody needs inspiration
Everybody needs a song
A beautiful melody
When the nights are so long

'cause there is no guarantee
That this life is easy

Yea when my world is falling apart
When there's no light
To break up the dark
That's when I
I look at you

When the waves are flooding the shore
And I can't find my way home any more
That's when I
I look at you

When I look at you
I see forgiveness
I see the truth
You love me for who I am
Like the stars hold the moon
Right there where they belong
And I know I'm not alone

Yeah when my world is falling apart
When there's no light
To break up the dark
That's when I
I look at you

When the waves are flooding the shore
And I can't find my way home any more
That's when I
I look at you

You appear just like a dream to me
Just like kaleidoscope colors that cover me
All I need
Every breath that I breathe
Don't you know you're beautiful
Yeah yeah

When the waves are flooding the shore
And I can't find my way home any more
That's when I
I look at you

I look at you
You appear just like a dream to me.


its funny how people see themselves so differently to how other people see them, a bit like how one can see the sea as blue and green and another can see initially every colour but blue and green. i think there is something to be said when you have a reason to stare at someone and you arent sure why, even though it is fascinating the way they walk up a hill with their eyes closed to take in the breeze, or point out all the landmarks that have not only a history behind them but a person. You know they have a way with people when they see a roman ruin and think of the number of the settlers that would have occupied the space and so realise it would not need to have been very large at all. you stare to catch the half poker faced smile they're hiding and wonder why it is they try to hide it when it is so clear they are happy.
i have not blogged in a while but i have found need to in order to almost return the favour of smiling and feeling humbled when someone else describes you and in some way try to put babble into sentences. however even if it makes no sense i know there will be meaning none the less, after all once it is written the author is able to step back and allow their work to be interpreted, or so i have been told.
i found this song appropriate not only to its references to particular natural elements but also the reference to the light that breaks up the dark, the person that tries to make it a little less mundane and revels in the fact that for a day at least they have given you space to think, and be yourself. no demand for talk and for activity just time, giggles and glances.
thankyou for your time, and mutual feelings of wanting to push small children off of platforms for being mean to canadians hehe ;)