Tuesday 28 July 2009

'No one can make me feel this way, you always seem to brighten up my day'

not done a post in a while so thought i would update.. went to the london aquarium with matt today, was really nice cos got to spend time with matt before he goes away to sonisphere for the weekend and before he meets the parents next week :D i know theyre going to think he is awesome just like i do. london aquarium was lovely but i did love the terrapins most, they are sooo very sweet.
I also was reminded of a phrase that i love today : "where words fail, music speaks" which just really reminds me about why i called this blog what i did, because like art i feel music even more so speaks to everyone which is a feeling i love, just that a song or feeling in lyrics and a mood of a song can help people through the lows and help to celebrate the highs, i got lots of books on music and art from the library the other day so i can try n get reading to carry on my dissotation draft as this is my topic, music as a kind of art for the masses and it is this kind of ability to reach in and evoke emotion in people that i feel some art lacks and is why i am interested in works that relate to the self and are sometimes intereactive.
anyways i found a song to sum up life at the moment, particularly in the relationship area ^-^

Happy by Brandy:

I don't even know
How it got this way
When I first met you
I never thought your love was true
But I'm glad I saw just what was in store
All the while you plan to be my man
Now I'm in love with you

You make me happy
You make me feel so good
With the things you do for me
Oh baby can't you see that
You make me happy
Make me feel so good
With the things you do for me
Oh baby, baby, baby

In search of happiness
Tryin' to find thatone
Who can make my life so complete baby
If I only knew that someone was you boy
There would have been more happy days
So don't you go away

No one can make me feel this way
You always seem to brighten up my day

Saturday 11 July 2009

There is a time and a place for everything...

someone tagged a photo i had taken in berlin and it reminded me of a poem i could not quite recall so i looked it up :

To everything there is a season,
And a time to every purpose under the heaven.
A time to be born, and a time to die;
A time to plant, and a time to pluck
that which is planted;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh;
A time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to get, and a time to lose;
A time to keep, and a time to cast away;
A time to love, and a time to hate;
A time of war, and time of peace.

-Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

I then remembered this poem is quoted in footloose which is an awesome film but I love this poem and the photo so i thought i would post it, i love it because it is hopeful, it reminds me and others (i think) that when your down its ok because that is the time to be sad but there will come a time to be happy again and it will be all the more joyful because you have that sadness to compare it to. I am happy at the moment and im glad i held out for that special time to come about, just to remind all my friends if you are down and feel its not worth fighting or things are never going to look up, it is worth it, things will get better and you will never look back :D

Saturday 4 July 2009

My first post as a 21 year old...

so..... last night was my 21st birthday, after many facebook messages (thankyou all) and spending the day shopping and having a pub lunch with megan it was time to get ready for the club that is electric ballroom for the evening woooo!! I recieved some beautiful presents all of which were very thoughtful and greatly appreciated. the drive up to the club was fun, me, matt, jaz, tammy, megan and rob all laughin and taking lots of pictures :D upon arrival it was lovely to see the gorgeous matt waiting and we were also joined by the rest of our lovely group, all of whom looked fantastic i might add, especially the never before seen black nailvarnish on a certain gentleman, whose girlfriend i have already thanked ;) we had an awesome night dancing like mad and taking photos and driking hehe, shame matt and his brother had to go early but it was a treat to see him none the less. the highlight song wise did have to be 'youth gone wild' but skid row, which me and rob were screaming along to hehe, right after 'you give love a bad name' so a great set :D it was great to see everyone mixing and gettin on well, having a great time so that was realy cool. just before leaving i also got ambushed in the toilets by a girl that really liked my dress so that was nice too ^-^ even though she then went on to ask about tattoos and i unfortunately had to go. the car trip back was fun and i got to do my tour guidy bit when we went over the bridge to see all the lights and the london eye by night which was a beautiful end to the evening. off to tap n tin tonight to see those that couldnt make it to london from kent and so should be just as much fun! thankyou again for all making my birthday so special, with your messages, cards, gifts and for coming out :) i had an amazing birthday thanks to everyone :D

the song for this post is therefore - Skid Rows - Youth gone Wild -

Since I was born they couldn't hold me down
Another misfit kid, another burned-out town

Never played by the rules I never really cared
My nasty reputation takes me everywhere

I look and see it's not only me
So many others have stood where I stand
We are the young so raise your hands

They call us problem child
We spend our lives on trial
We walk an endless mile
We are the youth gone wild
We stand and we won't fall
We're the one and one for all
The writing's on the wall
We are the youth gone wild

Boss screamin' in my ear about who I'm supposed to be
Getcha a 3-piece Wall Street smile and son you'll look just like me

I said "Hey man, there's something that you oughta know.
I tell ya Park Avenue leads to Skid Row."

I look and see it's not only me
We're standin' tall ain't never a doubt
We are the young, so shout it out

They call us problem child
We spend our lives on trial
We walk an endless mile
We are the youth gone wild
We stand and we won't fall
We're the one and one for all
The writing's on the wall
We are the youth gone wild

They call us problem child
We spend our lives on trial
We walk an endless mile
We are the youth gone wild
We stand and we won't fall
We're the one and one for all
The writing's on the wall
We are the youth gone wild
We are the youth gone wild